Sunday, October 25, 2009

repeat business is not allowed on the oct 8 list. but who cares if it doesn't count, when it curls yr toes.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

5-we've made it over the half way mark

big teeth, big arms you are my kryptonite. how can i resist a boy with both? and when i say boy, i mean 23 year old. because you know (or you should by now) 23 year olds are my favorite flavor. especially with giant teeth and guns on top. quick! someone bring me the whipped cream!

Friday, October 16, 2009

good sportsmanship

when playing sports, it's important to be kind to the other team. even if they skunk you. perhaps invite them to drink after the match. and then maybe some dancing. and then maybe some dancefloor makeouts. and then add them to your list. and as you leave them standing on the corner in the rain, shout joyfully from the cab, "See you next week boys!"

oh and ps i'd like to add these are 3 and 4. 2 happened in vegas. and. you know...

ooh lala

let's start off with frenchie. frenchie, well, is french. obviously. there have been some rendezvous. and there may be more. although i'm leaning toward no, because i like easy prey. if you are making things too difficult, i'll move on to some one easier to tackle...which brings us up to last night and the next entry.